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Selamat datang diberanda kami,... untuk temen temen yang mau belajar robotic silahkan klik MAU BELAJAR ROBOTIC ""  asun86  "" Come and join us on a profound journey of learning robotics, starting from the basics and progressing to an expert level. In this program, you will utilize the Arduino Uno and ESP8266 boards while exploring various fascinating Arduino sensors. You will be guided to understand the fundamental principles of robotics, learn how to connect electronic components, and program hardware using Arduino. Furthermore, you will gain knowledge on how to utilize Arduino sensors to collect data and make decisions based on received information. By participating in this course, you will develop strong skills in designing and controlling robots using the versatile Arduino technology. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a proficient robotics expert!      Mari bergabung dan ikuti perjalanan mendalam dalam mempelajari robotika, mulai dari dasar hingga

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